E-Commerce System Flow Chart E-commerce shopping cart structure
The following is an illustrative flow chart of the E-commerce shopping cart structure. Shopping Cart
The following is an illustrative flow chart of the E-commerce shopping cart structure. Shopping Cart will efficiently process and charge buyer online orders - with highly versatile functionality and numerous features not found in most web shopping carts. The process begins with the cart's Front Page, created for easy and convenient shopping.
To Run a e-commerce business you need a website with shopping cart system and payment gateway, there is serveral E-commerce Payment Gateway Available in Malaysia.
Online Payment Process Flow
- Customer purchase products on Merchant's e-commerce website.
- Ecommerce website send the info (products code & amount to payment gateway service provider
- Payment gateway process the payment with the card Association with customer's bank account.
- After settle the payment, the merchant will get the funds transfer from Payment Gateway
E-commerce System Flow Cart
- Customized Front Page
- Product Searches
- Powerful search buttons can be placed anywhere on your site, or the cart's web pages.
- Product Category Selection or Product Search
- Select Items (Add to Cart)
- Temporary Order File
- Continue Shopping" can be selected at any point; or return later if interrupted.
- Check Out Button Clicked
- Customer enters ID, or Billing / Shipping Information
- Customer Data File in Database
- Customer and Order information are tracked without using cookies.
- Accurate Shipping Rates or Store Defined Shipping Charges
- Poslaju/ Skynet
- Charges are retrieved direct from the shipping companies if required.
- Final Order Acceptance
- Tracking Data Bases
- All data storage is downloadable for local updates and management using your browser.
- Credit Card Processor or Offline Processing,
- Email Customer Invoice via Email notification
- Sellers Invoice
- Charge Receipt
- Invoices and charge slips are automatically sent to the customer and store owner.
E-commerce System Flow diagram design by Entertop.com.my

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